Monday, 25 June 2007

Sunday 24 June - Vivian Quarry.

Phycothearpy - E2 5c **. With Will Hunt, Jamie Light, Cliff Shafsby and Lyndsey.

The weather perked up in the afternoon, so I wandered into Vivian in serch of climbing partner. Came across this lot, who kindly allowed me to tie on with them. The all post on UKC so knew who I was when I introduced myself, they thought I was quite nice in real life though! I set of up Phycotherapy, always a bad idea warming up on E2, climbed the crux and the fell off, rocking over to place a runner. I was climbing on a mega skinny single rope and nearly decked on the rope strecth! I started seconding the route, but unfortuantley it started to rain. Hopefully I'll get it done latter in the week, but presently the weathers not looking good. Torrental rain in North Wales.


Will Hunt said...

Woo! Im officially famous now.

Unknown said...

It was indeed very nice to meet you Tom, just goes to show you can't believe everything you read on the internet.

L xx