Thursday, 28 June 2007

Wednesday 27 June - Serengeti

Seams the Same - E1 5b **. With Geth Thomas.

After having a mini epic wandering up to the bus stop after work I managed to pursade some guys to go climbing with me. We started at Serengeti and followed Geth up this cool, but sadly polished extreme.

Seamstress - VS 4c **. With Geth Thomas.

After learing my lesson from falling off, I descided to warm up on some thing easy. A nice route, but the gear isn't as good as he guide book suggests.

Peter Pan - E2 5b *. With Geth Thomas.

A brilliant looking route, with a photogenic line, looks even better in the sun. Unfortuanatley the climbing is crap. The top moves are quite sequencey. Geth led first and then I followed with the clips in.

Slippery People - E2 5c **. With Geth Thomas.

Following Ioan and Ed's recomendation for a soft touch E2 I had a pop at this. It was desperate, not suprisin when you I realised later that I was on the wrong route, actually Tentive Desicsion E5 6a!

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