Friday, 8 June 2007

Friday 8 June - Black Crag

Jubilee Grooves - E1 5b **. With William Sim.

Hitched to Keswick, rather quickly actually. Tom Merchant kindly saw me and drove back to get me, he took me as far as Berrier, from their I quickly got picked up again. Met Will in Keswick and headed straight for Black Crag. The walk in was as always a bitch! The first 5a pitch was excellent quite bold climbing. Will lead the second, which i found hard for 4c but you always climb worse seconding. The top pitch was easy for 5b but quite bold, with a couple of cool moves to get into the groove, where there was thankfully gear. I then ran it out to the top.

Grand Allience E4 6a ***. With William Sim.

The chance of having to queue on an E4 on a weekday, especailly in the Lakes is slim, but Bill Birkett and Co. beat us to it. Oh well we were happy to wait. I lead the first 2 pitches in one, which was easy 5b. Will lead the top pitch onsite, no messing. Good lead. Then much to my suprise i seconded in good style. The moves on the slab were really nice, but with a scary runout. Glad the rope was above my head. One to lead when I'm good. I had a look at Prana as I absailed off, but descided to leave it until I've done a few more E2's. A week of climbing lies ahead, hope the weather holds.

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Hal said...
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